Kira Permunian, Author at Natricia Bernard

category: News
Listen. Think. Do.
06 21 2021

Listen. Think. Do.

Most of us want to speak so much but don't not want to listen. Listen, take direction correctly so you can do your best. The more you listen, the more your life will change. Don't just decide or do something drastically and...

category: News
Never allow anyone to question your art
04 10 2021

Never allow anyone to question your art

You are the only one who knows yourself more than anyone in this world. If someone tries to put you down and make you question yourself, do not let them. You have your own way of expressing yourself through art. It doesn't mean...

category: News
Dance for yourself
05 02 2020

Dance for yourself

The best performance is fabricated when it comes from a deep personal place. All of us have different stories to tell. By dancing for yourself and letting people witness your movements being perform creatively, awakens a world of...

category: News
Know it's done and allow it to unfold
03 15 2019

Know it's done and allow it to unfold

The choices that you make in life shouldn't be something you regret. Every choice that you make in this life brings you to your life's next chapters. Nothing is worth regretting for beautiful things unfold and await in life. Try...