Kira Permunian, Author at Natricia Bernard - Page 10 of 15

category: Mentor, Work Tips
I Have to Freestyle at an Audition Help
06 18 2018

I Have to Freestyle at an Audition Help

You would be surprised with the amount of trained dancers that are not great at freestyle or very intimidated, scared to do freestyle especially in front of other people. Trained dancers have technique, but you will lose work if...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Things to Consider to be a Choreographer
06 07 2018

Things to Consider to be a Choreographer

The choreographer is the one who creates and arranges the movements and formations that matches the music, treatment and mood of the project. This person works within different dance styles. Easy to say but being a choreographer...

category: Mentor, Parenting Tips
Should I Take my Baby to a Casting?
06 07 2018

Should I Take my Baby to a Casting?

There are a lot of things to consider if you are bringing a baby to a casting. You need to be in control of things if you are planning to do that. Everyone is so busy these days. So if you are a working mom with one or two...

category: Mentor, Parenting Tips
Juggling Children and Working as a Performer
06 07 2018

Juggling Children and Working as a Performer

This is a big challenge for every mother who is also a performer.  This can take a toll on every working mother especially performers. You need to have a sheer determination to balance family and career. I hope these tips might...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
How to Become a Good Dancer
06 07 2018

How to Become a Good Dancer

Dancing is an art form, the art of body movements connected together to create one flowing routine. To be good in this art form requires a great amount of determination, hard work and mental discipline. As a choreographer, I...

category: Mentor, Parenting Tips
Picking a Class for your Child
05 10 2018

Picking a Class for your Child

I write this little article being a child performer, a choreographer and a parent. As much as I say, I’m a parent it’s about the child, the young performer and their...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Are you Working for Free?
05 10 2018

Are you Working for Free?

I love working. It’s part of my spirit and who I am, but doing a favour job and then finding out other people were paid, leaves a funny energy. It can damage relationships and affect your creative flow. We’re all creatives...