Kira Permunian, Author at Natricia Bernard - Page 7 of 15

category: News
Feel the Steps
10 01 2018

Feel the Steps

One can dance gracefully if he/she feel the steps. Your body will follow what your mind and heart feels. So when performing, it’s a must that you feel the steps to perform the dance...

category: News
Create your Own Dance
09 24 2018

Create your Own Dance

You are the creator of your life and you decide what road you want to take. Create your own path and your own dance. There is no wrong as it’s your dance, your counts, your rhythm, your...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
How to get Discovered
09 21 2018

How to get Discovered

Many people with talent are looking for ways to get discovered. If you are one of those persons, you might be wondering what others are doing to advance in their career. If there is no doubt that you believe that you have the...

category: Mentor, Wellness Tips
Believing in Themselves
09 21 2018

Believing in Themselves

Have you ever wondered why some people are always successful in whatever they do, especially when pursuing careers in the entertainment field, while others fail continuously? You might be thinking that those people have a magic...

category: News
Sometimes Less is More
09 19 2018

Sometimes Less is More

Less is more, don't over complicate things. Take direction and listen, sometimes the simpler the better, simple as that. If you’re told underplay it, dance less, act more due to your character or the movement building over...

category: Mentor, Wellness Tips
Positive Thinking
09 19 2018

Positive Thinking

If you have a career in the entertainment field and it is not going so well, it is highly likely that someone has told you to be optimist or believe in yourself.  Chances are that the people who make such comments are optimists...

category: News
Be the director of your life
09 17 2018

Be the director of your life

You might have heard things from others that made you feel down or felt anxious. If that's the case, you shouldn't let anyone nor anything drag you down. You are the only one who writes and directs your own life. Don't let anyone...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Choosing a Good Agent and Manager
09 14 2018

Choosing a Good Agent and Manager

There are only a few, who make it in the entertainment industry, but have you ever thought how? The simple answer to this is that, they are able to get success in this field by taking the help of an experienced agent and manager,...