Kira Permunian, Author at Natricia Bernard - Page 8 of 15

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Importance and Benefits of Having an Agent
09 14 2018

Importance and Benefits of Having an Agent

If you are thinking of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry as a performer in any field, there is one important thing that you need to understand completely. To be successful, you need to hire the right...

category: Mentor, Wellness Tips
Good Nutrition and Hydration When Dancing
09 11 2018

Good Nutrition and Hydration When Dancing

Good Nutrition Being a dancer means you have to be fit and hydrated at all times. Dancers are like athletes, they sweat a lot and make use of their bodies for a long period of time. For dancers to able to perform at their best,...

category: Mentor, Wellness Tips
Losing Weight After Having a Baby
09 11 2018

Losing Weight After Having a Baby

How long does it usually take for your stomach to go down after having a baby? How easy is it to lose baby weight? Do we lose weight when we’re breastfeeding? How much weight do we lose when we give birth? These are just some...

category: News
See the End
09 10 2018

See the End

I always say to myself to just see the end. Like I have to think big to get great results. If one works hard for his/her career, he/she can be successful at the end. The hard work paid off...

category: Mentor, Wellness Tips
Dealing with Acne When Dancing
09 06 2018

Dealing with Acne When Dancing

If you’re a dancer, you typically wears leotards and fitted clothing sweating it out in the studio. But wearing sweaty fabrics can irritate your skin, especially if you have body acne, or are simply sensitive to certain...

category: News
Watch it. Learn it. Nail it. Become it.
09 03 2018

Watch it. Learn it. Nail it. Become it.

In the entertainment world, we follow the process: watch, learn, nail and be it. First, in learning a choreographed dance routine, you have to watch what your choreographer and creative director are doing and see how...

category: News
Nail It
08 27 2018

Nail It

When you are on the stage performing, you have to dance all the best that you can. Give it all you’ve got. Nail every performance. Stay confident. Nail it...

category: News
Become It!
08 20 2018

Become It!

“Become it” to be it. Success won’t come your way if you don’t apply any action. Strive hard and kick your ass for you to become it or who you wanted to be. Dreams don’t come true if you are just sitting around, then...

category: News
Master it
08 13 2018

Master it

Master it so it will become perfection. When you keep on practicing, you can accomplish flawless performance in the end. Be the master of your own...