Kira Permunian, Author at Natricia Bernard - Page 9 of 15

category: News
Learn it
08 06 2018

Learn it

Learn it! This is a simple saying that everyone needs to live by. We need to learn the movement, as the choreographer wants it. Embrace every rehearsal as a new beginning to learn something new or perfect what you’re...

category: News
Make it Count
07 30 2018

Make it Count

Don’t waste your chance today, so you have to make it count! Don’t depend on what tomorrow brings. Start today and make it happen...

category: News
Don't just Dance it. Perform it.
07 23 2018

Don't just Dance it. Perform it.

You don’t just dance it, you have to perform it! When dancing it's very easy to become a class room performer. Performing is not with mirrors, dance with all your heart. Feel and understand the beat of the music, become the...

category: News
Be the Seed and Grow
07 16 2018

Be the Seed and Grow

This saying implies that every amateur, novice or beginner will be professional or expert in the future. With constant practice and dedication in his/her career, success will follow. I always say this to my aspiring performers...

category: News
The Performance Mentor Tips
07 06 2018

The Performance Mentor Tips

I am mostly known as a choreographer, movement director and mass movement director. As the go to person in the industry, for producers, directors & talents, I'm also known as “The Performance Mentor”. I love coaching...

category: News
Fix your Face
06 25 2018

Fix your Face

To celebrate my coming of age, I decided to do a fix that face collage. I was asked to do some video tips and anyone who knows me recognises I’ve got no time for stuff like this. It makes me realise I really need to practice...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Pregnancy Tips for Dancers & Choreographers
06 18 2018

Pregnancy Tips for Dancers & Choreographers

Being pregnant while still dancing, choreographing and performing can be challenging. Depending on the pregnancy your having will determining what you can or can't do. We will all experience a totally different experience, and at...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
When Should I Give up Dancing?
06 18 2018

When Should I Give up Dancing?

I'm asked this question more than any other question. I believe if someone asks someone else a question they have already discussed it with themselves a number of times. This question is not black or white because, you may just...

category: Mentor, Work Tips
Freestyler Having To Learn Choreography
06 18 2018

Freestyler Having To Learn Choreography

If you’re a freestyler, there's a big change that you'll need to learn a choreographed union routine at some point in your career. Especially nowadays as clients have less money so some dancers have to do multiple roles. These...