In the dynamic world of filmmaking, children often play significant roles in...
Safeguarding Your Child on a Film Set
To attract more dance work, casting calls, and bookings for videos, stage...
Attracting more dance work
Many people who aspire to have careers in entertainment industry will always...
How to avoid Casting Scams
Are you a performer who is still trying to figure your stage...
Choosing the right stage name
It is becoming harder than ever for persons to start careers in...
How to make a great Showreel
Most people don’t want to admit this, but it is necessary for...
Is who you know more important than what you know?
Do you dream on being the next Kendall Jenner, making a debut...
Modelling for Beginners
If you are an aspiring dancer or performer, you might already know...
Self-Taping for Performers
Have you ever thought that there are thousands of people trying hard...
Why do some people make it and some don’t?