Title: The Bridesmaid’s Tale
Category: Commercial, Props
Natricia Bernard worked with the truly talented director Rob Leggatt for this Premier Inn “The Bridesmaid’s Tale “choreography.
Rob has great creativity and is a great leader on set whilst totally respecting dance. The hardworking cast of mainly actors who had to learn Bollywood and bhangra style were, Kavita Vyas, Yas Rehman, Helen Karup, Tom Ashley, Mani Liaqat, Natasha Patel, Sophie Spreadbury, Meryl Griffiths, Jo Shah, Maria Depina, Shafina Patel, Yasmine Maya, Gilda Waugh, Ash Oberoi, Prabhleen Oberoi, Ajay Chabra, Riz Meedin, Aakash Shukul, Ramzan Miah, Tharek Ali, Thomas Pitiris, Ankush Saigaz, Deip Patel, Andy Rose, Lorraine Stewart, Adam Blaug, Robert Ross, Rosalyn Welch, Johnny Kinch, Alexandra Dykes, Heath Reynolds.
Director: Rob Leggatt
Choreographer : Natricia Bernard
Producer: Tim Katz
Production Company: Knucklehead
Agency: Lucky Generals
Movement Genre: Bhangra, Bollywood